Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom
— Aristotle

A strong, internal connection is vital for us to be happy. If every time we are challenged, instead of looking outward, we can sit with ourselves, our connection becomes stronger and stronger. We will continue to find roadblocks to happiness if we fail to build a solid home within us first. The philosophers said it in Ancient Greece, know thyself, and it is more important today than ever before. The modern world preys on lost souls and if we don’t want to be pulled every which way with little control over the direction in which we head, then it is time we look within.

Know yourself through a close and continued self-examination and exploration and you will have the solid foundations already set that will lead you on the path to finding a true happiness that is unwavering. When you know yourself, have experienced more of life, have greater knowledge and understanding of what you want, you are on the way to true freedom.

How Are you? No. How am I?

how am I? writing meditation

Spend 5 minutes writing down everything that comes to mind about how you are. Don't make any judgements, just write and get to know what you are really feeling and thinking deep down. Writing is another tool that is great for allowing us the time and space to really observe and examine how we are feeling. We find ourselves with limited time due to the speed of our modern lives and historically powerful tools like writing and reading are disappearing out of our lives.

We leave our emotions and feelings unattended and those feelings that aren't positive get stronger and stronger and simply become a well-ingrained habit. We need to sit with ourselves, free from distractions, for just a few minutes each day to ask ourselves how we are going. We throw "how are you" out to everyone around us but we never actually truly answer it for ourselves. By opening up this conversation we can see if certain things are weighing us down, if certain times, places and people are affecting us more than we know. It doesn't matter if you aren't a good writer, just write how you feel - simple.

Feel free to use, or not to use, the following questions to stimulate thought and to delve deeper into how you really feel.

When do I feel most alive?

What am I passionate about?

What are my best memories?

What makes me sad?

What makes me angry?

When do I lose control of my emotions?

Which friends/family/co-workers bring positivity and joy to my life?

Which ones add negativity and strife?

What daily activities add value to my life?

What daily activities bring pain and suffering?

Get your pen and paper, write the headings - Day 1 and How Am I? Set the timer for 5 minutes. Write. Continue for each day of the week.


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....


How Am I? .....

Because you are alive, everything is possible

GUIDED MEDITATION: 20 MINUTEs | whole body breathing and smiling


how am i?

*hold onto this as you travel through the week. When you walk past someone and say “how are you,” remember to feel your body and see how you’re doing too. The more this becomes a habit the more we build a strong, unwavering, connection with ourselves. We can feel when things are wrong, or different, before they take hold for too long. We can also find out when we feel really good, and know how to entrench that into our lives, again and again.


article: 7 ways to let go

song: James brown and i feel good - remember to sing and dance. to feel and live.


Think of the positive not the negative There's always a positive - you just have to look


You’re alive…..

*image credit @thestampedetrail