Evan Sutter on "Lots Of Takes" - Appreciating boredom and deeper motivations

Evan Sutter is an Author, Speaker & Social Entrepreneur He’s written Solitude: How Doing Nothing Can Change the World, and Scribbles On The Wall: Lessons Along The Way. In our conversation he shares about how he went from chasing girls to becoming an author about seeking solitude and embracing boredom. What’s profound about his advice is how counterintuitive it is. He’s for boredom and solitude, saying these are things we need as humans. His story is a great example where his brother convinced him to spend some time at a Buddhist monastery and it lead to a complete makeover of his life.

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Evan Sutter
GK & F Featuring Evan Sutter

Behind every face is a story, behind every story is a lesson and underlying each lesson is a way of being that longs to be shared with the world. Join GK and F as they traverse the the paths of the many faces and seek to draw meaning from the words like lesson bounty hunters.

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Evan Sutter