Plunge boldly into the thick of life, and seize it where you will, it is always interesting
— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Being scared is sometimes great. We have our nerves and our sense of fear because we are alive. If we train our minds to sit with our fears, instead of running away, we can transform every facet of our lives. When fear comes knocking at our doors again we are now better placed to understand why and where it comes from and have more appropriate ways to deal with it rather than running away or trying hard to ignore it.

Try Something New

Get scared! Seriously. Try one thing a day that scares you-- something that tests your limits and thereby stretches your mind. Whether it be trying a head stand, taking a cooking or language class, jumping into the ocean with surf lessons, or just saying hello to that person you always walk past. By scaring ourselves, challenging ourselves and continually putting ourselves in new situations we get to explore what makes us tick. We get to see how we feel and why we feel it.

Write down 3 things you want to try this week that scare you - they don’t have to be big things, just something.




For each new thing you tried this week spend 5 minutes writing down, or speaking into your voice recorder / phone about how it made you feel. If you really want to stretch yourself try recording it on video and uploading it to your social media channels using #awakeprogram and #stretchyourself so we can all offer you our support and congratulations.

Were you nervous in anticipation? What sensations did you have in your body when you were doing the action that scared you? Afterwards, did you feel accomplished? Fatigued? Excited? Relieved? Get curious--explore every little thought and sensation!

If you can’t think of things you want to try - here is a list of things I’ll be thinking of trying myself this week: attending a yoga class. sending out my screenplay to a script competition. waking up early to catch the sunset. working on a headstand - and maybe filming it - even if it will be bad, reconnecting with an old friend despite the difficulty that will arise. Be curious, think what you really want, and be bold and put it into action.

Observe all men; thyself most
— Benjamin Franklin



Keep Stretching Yourself

Tech - Free Zone

Spend one night this week without the aid of your phone, TV or laptop. We all need a technology detox and one night is a great way to see just how much we depend on it. Just observe how you feel, when you have a moment of boredom are you unconsciously reaching for your phone? If you're feeling a touch lonely are you grabbing for the remote? One night is not too hard to ask for especially when it is critical that we cultivate a strong relationship with ourselves, and constantly depending on something else is an extremely unhealthy habit. This also gives us the added bonus of re-connecting with ourselves, something which we need to do more and more of.

  • Spend one of the next three nights this week without the aid of your phone, TV or laptop. If you need to use your computer or phone tonight set aside tomorrow night as your designated "Tech Free Night." If you need it tomorrow then make tonight your chance to detox and refresh.

  • Just observe how you feel, when you have a moment of boredom are you unconsciously reaching for your phone?

  • If you're feeling a touch lonely are you grabbing for the remote?

  • Can you get back in touch with an old interest like drawing, writing or reading? Can you go for a walk to the park or beach?


What things bring me joy?

*It is easy to get into the habit of flying through the weeks, weeks become months and before you know it, the year is over. In doing so we sometimes forget the things that bring us joy - good, healthy joy! It is the aim of stretching ourselves and trying new things that we recapture those things we love. Or at least stop long enough to create space, time and clarity for ourselves. We’re alive, and we don’t know for how long, so it is imperative we do the things that bring us joy, and that we do them often.


“In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer” - Albert Camus

*image credit @thestampedetrail


book: The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell

Philosopher Bertrand Russell diagnoses the myriad causes of unhappiness and offers a path out of the seemingly inescapable malaise so prevalent in the modern western world. Covering a range of relevant topics that are pivotal to our happiness like ego, envy, love, relationships, work and money.

to the book list: The Alchemist by Paulo Coello

listening: go for a walk and listen to the birds, the wind, the cars, nature. the dogs. listen. be. no agenda.


We need to be aware that life is impermanent and inconstant and this moment will quickly end. Sitting stuck in some trivial thing from the past will only cause more suffering. We sit around worried about insignificant matters when we are surrounded by beauty each and every day.

Next time you are sitting around worrying about various factors in your life -- take a few deep breaths, look around you, and find 3 beautiful things in your line of vision. These 3 beautiful things won't be around forever - you won't be around forever- so just enjoy it while you can.

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© Evan Sutter